24-04-2013, 10:08 PM
We all know about Death Note...something.But is this "something" real...proved...or is just a myth ?
Probabil toti ne punem sau ne-am pus intrebarea aceasta dupa ce am privit animeul,am citit manga sau vazut filmul.
Deci propun un razboi ... pro&contra.Parerile fanilor(care dupa cate stiu eu,sunt impartite in doua tabere) si dovezile existente.Dovezi?Pentru ce?Oare exista? De cele mai multe ori,nu.De aceea se numesc "mituri",nu a fost confirmat nimic de creatori,care au considerat sa lase fanii sa-si creeze o proprie imagine asupra personajelor,trecutului,gandurilor etc.Totusi,in manga si anime exista -poate- simple coincidente care duc la concluzii.
So .... Like many series, Death Note is open to myths. They can come from mistranslations, fan speculations or jokes being taken seriously. They can range from an absurd notion to being highly probable.( says wiki )
Cateva subiecte care inca n-au fost confirmate:
1. In the series,Unnamed Shinigami is Light Yagami
2.Shinigami realm is a Purgatory
3.Near killed Mikami with the Death Note
4.Misa was killed with a Death Note
5.L's Spirit appears (final episode)
6.A and B appear in Death Note Relight 2: L's Successors
7.Near is Albino
8.L has Asperger/Marfan Syndrome
9.Misa has ADHD
For more information click here: http://deathnote.wikia.com/wiki/Myths
So...I wanna hear your thoughts.After all...humans are so interesting ............
Probabil toti ne punem sau ne-am pus intrebarea aceasta dupa ce am privit animeul,am citit manga sau vazut filmul.
Deci propun un razboi ... pro&contra.Parerile fanilor(care dupa cate stiu eu,sunt impartite in doua tabere) si dovezile existente.Dovezi?Pentru ce?Oare exista? De cele mai multe ori,nu.De aceea se numesc "mituri",nu a fost confirmat nimic de creatori,care au considerat sa lase fanii sa-si creeze o proprie imagine asupra personajelor,trecutului,gandurilor etc.Totusi,in manga si anime exista -poate- simple coincidente care duc la concluzii.
So .... Like many series, Death Note is open to myths. They can come from mistranslations, fan speculations or jokes being taken seriously. They can range from an absurd notion to being highly probable.( says wiki )
Cateva subiecte care inca n-au fost confirmate:
1. In the series,Unnamed Shinigami is Light Yagami
2.Shinigami realm is a Purgatory
3.Near killed Mikami with the Death Note
4.Misa was killed with a Death Note
5.L's Spirit appears (final episode)
6.A and B appear in Death Note Relight 2: L's Successors
7.Near is Albino
8.L has Asperger/Marfan Syndrome
9.Misa has ADHD
For more information click here: http://deathnote.wikia.com/wiki/Myths
So...I wanna hear your thoughts.After all...humans are so interesting ............
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