12-02-2012, 02:28 PM
@Saravis - Nu am un anotimp preferat imi plac toate xD daca ar fi sa aleg as alege iarna tho -__-.
@Ang - Nu prea fac nimic din ce m-ai intrebat.
@Bullet - nu am un gen preferat -_- am mai zis prefer filmele post 2003-2004. Imi plac blondele lulz neah joking all are welcome O.o
@Addeh - De la Slipknot pffoaa nu stiu greu de ales, probabil WAIT AND BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED. Tot asa imi plac si filmele dar mai vechi, my eyes cant stand too much graphical eyegasm.
@Ang - Nu prea fac nimic din ce m-ai intrebat.
@Bullet - nu am un gen preferat -_- am mai zis prefer filmele post 2003-2004. Imi plac blondele lulz neah joking all are welcome O.o
@Addeh - De la Slipknot pffoaa nu stiu greu de ales, probabil WAIT AND BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED. Tot asa imi plac si filmele dar mai vechi, my eyes cant stand too much graphical eyegasm.
![[Imagine: Lightcrazy.png]](http://i361.photobucket.com/albums/oo53/qaz333_photos/Lightcrazy.png)