17-05-2010, 10:42 PM
Deci aveam in jur de 29 de posturi.Mi s-au sters 2 inteleg,dar 13 ? E culmea.Si oricum posturile mele erau de vro 6 randuri,la un fic am lasat cred ca vreo 30 de randuri si sters este culmea.
Ce se intampla?
Cine le stege aiurea si dc?
Ce se intampla?
Cine le stege aiurea si dc?

The road I walk is paved in gold,
To glorify my platinum soul.
I am the closest thing to God,
So worship me and never stop!
This wretched blood runs through my veins
I gave up everything for fame
I am the lie that you adore
I feed the rich, and f**k the poor.
Dear future,
I bought you.
I own the rights.
To let go,
Destroy you.
This is my life.
To glorify my platinum soul.
I am the closest thing to God,
So worship me and never stop!
This wretched blood runs through my veins
I gave up everything for fame
I am the lie that you adore
I feed the rich, and f**k the poor.
Dear future,
I bought you.
I own the rights.
To let go,
Destroy you.
This is my life.