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Love or be the judge of that

#1 unul de la mine ca nu am ocupatiune deci...have fun reading

Chapter 1
The start of a strange love

There are no rules in love and war.

A day like any other, a plain day, just my usual stroll in the park or was it. For at that time I did not know I was being watched by a girl with blue eyes, one of those girls that is, in spite of her beauty, very shy.

That first look I felt it. I could almost understand all her emotions, all that she felt towards me, all her love, all her passion, I felt all her love and it was the best sensation in my whole life, my heart race even though it never would have done so, the way she gazed at me with those ocean-like eyes demolished the wall I have always held up against humans, I wasn’t one of them but at that moment I felt as if for a moment, a delightful moment I was a little bit human, those pure feelings of love, the pure passion that I felt from her just turned all my hate towards myself into love for her. I was slowly becoming human and it amazed me that a human girl that I didn’t even know about until that first moment made me feel human, she made me feel at peace with myself in spite of the chaos in my heart.

I always knew what people meant with their gaze, it was very simple for me to comprehend their reasons, their motivation and all the emotions behind their eyes but hers, her eyes only told me she loved me, she was shy to tell me, I knew it so I turned and faced her with a delighted smile, I felt very happy and it completely changed me, my eyes changed from their crimson color to that the were before I brought this curse upon myself.

While turning towards her I saw a jerk that looked at me with hate, as I would expect from a person that only has half a mind, I sighed sadly then paced faster towards her, I could have just jumped and held her in my arms but she would have been scared so I just walked calmly, fast but calmly, for she would not leave nor would I, I had an eternity of waiting for the future and it was quite fun to watch the dumb-ass fall in his face because of his impatience and lack of half a mind, or even more. As I walked I began to think about the past that was until now like a cross on my back and yet now it felt as light as a feather, all my hardships, all my pain went away the moment I felt her beautiful blue eyes gazing upon myself. She took, with that loving gaze, the pain of those years that passed disappeared as I got closer and closer to her.

I reached her, at last, after a walk that felt like centuries of solitude, I saw her shifting her eyes towards her feet and fidgeting in fear of what would happen if she would dare to look upwards, I dare say that my feeling were the same as hers and it quite scared me, it was a delightful feeling but the shock of being able to feel love after thousands of years of fear shocked me quite a lot. I liked the sensation, the feeling of boiling blood and my heart beating faster was amazing but there was something strange about that one girl.

Why would she love a girl like me instead of a boy, why chose me in spite of any other boy in the school. Why was I chosen?
[center][Imagine: BalledAngst314.gif][/center]

Do not fear hell for i live at the gates of heaven and i condemn you all to damnation.

Oh love, îmi place super mult ficul şi ştii că ţi-am mai spus chestia asta. Sfârşitul capitolului a fost surprinzător, dar ţi-am mai spus asta. Îmi place cum scrii şi chiar dacă scrii în engleză, hm ... mă gândeam că poate sun persoane cu nu vor îneţelege pe deplin ce ai scris tu, dar totodată îmi place mult ficul.
Mă aşteptam la altcevaaaaa dar asta ţi-o spun în particular.
Îmi plac mult figurile de stil folosite şi ficul ăsta are ceva ce te reprezintă, adică mereu scrii din suflet bazat pe emoţiile tale şi când scrii te dedici.
Cât despre fic, de abia aştept să mai scrii. Nu ai scris tu foarte mult pentru prim capitol, dar îmi place, chiar şi aşa e super mişto ce ai scris pentru început. Tipele alea două sunt super, îmi place combinaţia şi ştii că îmi place foarte mult yuri, tnx pentru fic *hugs*

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