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My passion is to create limericks. Sunt nerd, ?tiu, but I love them. Cateodat? sun? idiot, dar ?sta este scopul unui limerick, s? sune cat de idiot posibil.

There was a little guy called The Doctor
He was quite a good actor;
He'd often travel in space
And then he'd change all his face.
His friends called him The Mutilator.

My name is Davie
I work in the navy;
This limerick is broke.
I can't make the joke.
I also eat gravy.

My name is Meyer
I play with the fire;
I once swam in the dark
And I met with a shark.
My voice now sounds higher.

Cu ocazia asta aflu si eu ce sunt these limericks. And they're quite fun :)) Sa inteleg ca tu ai trei acolo, nu? Adica fiecare limerick are doar o strofa? I'm still getting used to its shape.
Preferatele mele sunt prima si a doua poezioara. The Doctor Who one is quite nice, desi eu sunt abia pe la inceput cu serialul si nu cred ca am apucat sa vad vreo referire la "the Mutilator". Cat despre cealalta, m-a dat pe spate ultimul vers, am si izbucnit in ras cand l-am citit, simpatica... urmare a intalnirii cu rechinul.
Sunt amuzante, catchy si pline de farmec. Si apreciez faptul ca, desi limerickul in sine are o structura stricta, nu pare sa fie ceva care sa te constranga, pare ca poti face orice vrei cu cuvintele. Felicitari si la mai multe, caci sunt o lectura foarte placuta ^^
[Imagine: 1CGzWYg.png?1]
Thank you, Geesushi! ^-^
"these are the days that must happen to you"

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