Eu ies din jocul asta . Am intrat pentru ca am crezut ca o sa fie amuzant si o sa se respecte cat de cat regulile, insa mi se pare ca unii cam fac aberatii. Cum sa fi frate cu o persoana care are mama ... si ma-sa nu te-a adoptat ? cum sa-ti fie frate, fratele sotiei tale ?
In fine. Berry, Svear, Metal, pastram legatura ... cred. ^___^ .
I'm out. Distractie placuta si no spam [ desi faceti cam prea mult ]. : )
In fine. Berry, Svear, Metal, pastram legatura ... cred. ^___^ .
I'm out. Distractie placuta si no spam [ desi faceti cam prea mult ]. : )
Always keep the faith !
YunJae, YooSu, ChangSica, HunHan.
The pleasures of the mighty are the tears of the poor
A song will outlive all sermons in the memory
Always Keep The Faith
Deferto Neminem
Hope to the End
A song will outlive all sermons in the memory
Always Keep The Faith
Deferto Neminem
Hope to the End