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La primarie

uuuh 5 cum sa nu-ti zic da? mai intrebi?! 45 accept cu maaa~aaare placere honey 8

Nick: Lovely.
Sex: F
Categorie:Fete singure

acum sa ne casatoreasca cineva 8

Nick:demon of darkness
Categorie: fete singure
''Girls are like apples, the best ones are at the top of the trees. The boys don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples that are on the ground that aren't as good, but easy. So the apples at the top think there is something wrong with them, when, in reality, they are amazing. They just have to wait for the right boy to come along, the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree..."

Nick: Hitman
Sex: F
Categorie: Fete singure
Acum astept 45 hadi hadi imi vreau sotu'
In the naked light of day
Even great scientific minds,
Can not resist the seduction of immorality
But, when darkness falls,
Beasts of science
Well rise to seek revenge
The choise is yours
What do you want to do?

[Imagine: kcz2wi.jpg]

nik: Lynnu`
sex: Feminin [ dah` :]] ]
Categorie : fete singure
where is my husband / wife ( se accepta si sotii 24 )

Nick: Ryu
Categorie: baieti singuri
[care se ofera?21 astept fete nu baieti24]
I'm a professional online casinos player. Mostly i play on the phone. My favorite game is blackjack.
Here is the site with selection of the best Android blackjack games.

SCZ...dar nu am timp sa mai fac si lasam introducerile si bla bla bla...
Kaname♥Gackt si Lovely., va declar casatoriti!
Casa de piatra!(si copchii de lut^_^)


Fete singure:
-Apple Sweetheart-->-Nya_Love(fiica adoptata)
- Hitman
-demon of darkness

Baieti singuri:

Persoane spre adoptie:

-Kazumi- Mitsukai Yoru (tata), Teh (mama), Kido (fiica), Kaname♥Gackt (fiica)
-Natsuki- WickedD (tata), Nyzu`Chan (mama), Yulyutza_I (fiica), Heart_of_Ice (fiica), Mousy(fiica)
-Totsugeki- nolazy (tata/mama), myuu (mama)
-Hideko- KEiho(tata), Kido(mama)
-Fujiwara-Kaname♥Gackt(tata/mama), Lovely(mama)

Kaname♥Gackt, ai aprobarea parintilor de a te casatori? (daca nu, voi sterge familia "fujiwara" si pe lovely o voi muta la "fete singure" )

Ryu, se ofera una din fiicele mele...21 care o alegi? (vreau sa fiu mai apoi si bunica21)
[Imagine: gothic.png]

Una din ficele tale?care sunt alea?vreau sa stiu care sunt pentru a putea alege una din ele si sa traiesc fericit toata viata mea24
deci scuze de off si sper sa imi zici repede21
ja ne
I'm a professional online casinos player. Mostly i play on the phone. My favorite game is blackjack.
Here is the site with selection of the best Android blackjack games.

212121212121 Thoooamneee 212121212121 No comm212121212121!

Poi...sunt puse pe lista...fetele din familia Natsuki...adica
Yulyutza_I, Mousy si Heart_Of_Ice
[Imagine: gothic.png]

(SCZ 4 double post)
Ryu...pot sa te adopt? *Puppy Eyes* (vreau un fiu...)
[Imagine: gothic.png]

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