![[Imagine: 11528.jpg]](http://images.mcanime.net/images/anime/11528.jpg)
Kono Danshi, Uchuujin to Tatakaemasu.
Citat:When aliens suddenly invade the world, Earth seems to be fighting a losing battle until Arikawa, one of the defense command staff, accidentally discovers a young man lying on a hill. Tests soon prove the impossible: this one teenager, Kakashi, has the power to defeat the attackers! Unfortunately, Kakashi has also lost his memory, and with it the knowledge of how to actually use his power. Moving Kakashi in with himself and his own commander, Shiro, Arikawa accidentally starts a strange triangle of emotions and relationships. A triangle that threatens the fate of the planet as Kakashi begins to question his own motivations!
Kakashi e un baiat foarte vesel si plin de energie, asta pana cand realitatea lumii ce il inconjoara il loveste din plin. Singuratetea e sentimentul urat ce pare sa il traga in jos si din punctul lui de vedere, the world is not nice. De ce? Pentru ca prietenii pe care a crezut ca ii are nu s-au obosit sa il contacteze de patru luni, de cand a disparut? Sau poate au incercat? Kakashi crede ca e singur atunci cand cei ce sunt langa el inceraca sa il aduca cu picioarele pe pamant. Arikawa e mult mai important pentru el decat crede, la fel e Shiro. E greu sa aperi planeta cand nici nu gasesti un motiv bun pentru existenta ta.
![[Imagine: 43465l.jpg]](http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/7/43465l.jpg)
Kono Danshi, Ningyo Hiroimashita.
Citat:They say look before you leap and make sure you can swim before you go in the deep water, but when a picture of his late grandfather falls into the ocean, Shima jumps in after it without thinking. Nearly drowning as a result, he is instead saved by a very perfect stranger... one whose strangeness extends to only being human from the waist up!For Shima, who's always felt like a fish out of water himself, it's more than just a revelation, and the young man and merman quickly begin to bond in ways neither anticipated. And yet, it's going to be far from easy sailing. After all, Shima and Isaki aren't just from opposite sides of the tracks, they're from entirely divergent species, and swimming in separate gene pools may make maintaining a long term relationship a whole different kettle of fish!
Daca seria Orenchi no Furo Jijou vi s-a parut putin cam catre shounen-ai dar nu era acolo, atunci puteti sa fiti fericiti! Shima e un adolescent ce pierde persoana care i-a fost mereu alaturi si nu stie cum sa se opreasca din plans. Chiar nu reuseste. So when Isaki, the merman who saved his life, enters his world, our hero finds him weird and tries to smile once in a while. Dar sincer, Shima, ai intalnit vreodata alt merman ca sa poti sa spui ca acesta e ciudat? Si pe cand credeam ca totul va fi bine, apare diferenta dintre specii. You might as well just go with the flow.
![[Imagine: 67151l.jpg]](http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/5/67151l.jpg)
Kono Danshi, Sekika ni Nayandemasu.
Citat:The story revolves around high school boy Ayumu Tamari, who has an illness that makes him start to turn to stone when he's stressed. Since he couldn't fit in with his class, after repeating a year, he declared that he wanted to have a "Sparkly youth" as well. To do this, he changed his hair and clothes to be more fashionable, and constantly checked for popular topics to stay in the know. In the midst of Ayumu's life of making a facade, his homeroom teacher and stone-loving geology teacher Kouya Onihara says that Ayumu's stone transformation is beautiful. Ayumu begins to become attracted to Kouya, who starts to give him advice.
Sensei, wanna touch my crystal? It's been a while, come on!
Well, sensei nu spune niciodata nu si se mai lasa dus de val. Pasiunea lui pentru geologie trece de adorare si ajunge pana la gelozie siiiiiii apoi iubire....? Well, cand elevul de care te indragostesti vine la pachet cu profesia de care nu te mai saturi, banuiesc ca exista si un motiv de fericire. Pe de alta parte Ayumu e un adolescent ce traieste intr-un nivel de anxietate mai mare decat imi pot imagina. Banuiesc ca sentimentele lui sincere au fost transformate in firmituri cand sensei i-a spus ca nu mai vrea sa il vada vreodata. Ah, sensei, you and your rocks.
Seria acesta e una dintre cele mai adorabile pe care am reusit sa o vizionez vreodata. Soundtrack-urile sunt superbe si imi amintesc de seria No. 6, grafica e foarte draguta, asa cum nu am mai vazut pana acum. Personajele sufera de nimic altceva decat de faptul ca sunt oameni si incearca si reusesc sa treaca peste negura ce le acopera prezentul si gasesc liniste. Love it!
![[Imagine: ak8THBQ.png]](http://i.imgur.com/ak8THBQ.png)