23-09-2014, 02:45 PM
![[Imagine: 60703l.jpg]](http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/12/60703l.jpg)
Citat:The story revolves around Kusanagi Yui, who is ordered by Zeus, a god and the headmaster of a school he created, to teach the meaning of love to young and handsome gods. The reason he has for doing this is to cancel the negative effects of the weakening bond between the world of the divine and the world of the humans.
Basic eye-candy for those who want that kind of stuff. Nu ca eu nu as fi una dintre acele persoane. Cand te uiti la personaje si idee, in general, seria imi aminteste de Uta no Prince-sama. Un personaj feminin principal, nu tocmai stapan pe sine ce decide ca e in stare sa calmeze, in acest caz, o gramada de zei incredibil de bine-intretinuti pentru varsta lor. Well, nu are rost sa insist la acest subiect, din moment ce vorbim de zei. Takeru is a huge a-hole la inceput deoarece, of course, e nevoie de o masa de personaje cu personalitati diferite si cu probleme de comportament. Poate imi aduce aminte si de Ouran Host Club dar in acea serie actiunea si personajele sunt mult mai interesante si educative, as spune. Anyway, don't get your hopes up if you want deep stuff. Just enjoy the cliche.
![[Imagine: ak8THBQ.png]](http://i.imgur.com/ak8THBQ.png)