Mood: Hungry
Locatie: Sufrageria apartamentului meu
Mananc: Snitele, dar asta dupa ce termin cu acest post.
Beau: Apa plata as always.
Sunt imbracat in: Tricou bleumarin si sort negru.
Ascult: Youth of a Nation - P.O.D.
Privesc: Monitorul
Status messenger: -
Vorbesc pe messenger cu: -
Citesc: Manga la Dragonball...Krillin just died for the first time, only 100 times to go XD
Ma gandesc la: Snitelele acelea
Dating: My imaginary girlfriend, she is the best: she doesn't talk much, she is a good listener, she doesn't complain, she doesn't question my choice of clothes...I am truly blessed by the Gods .
Doresc: Sa mananc acele snitele, of course
Iubesc pe: Parintii mei.
Nervos pe: nimeni
Urasc pe: nimeni
Imi lipseste: O scanteie care sa aprinda totul in mine.
Abia astept sa: Nu mai astept.
Locatie: Sufrageria apartamentului meu
Mananc: Snitele, dar asta dupa ce termin cu acest post.
Beau: Apa plata as always.
Sunt imbracat in: Tricou bleumarin si sort negru.
Ascult: Youth of a Nation - P.O.D.
Privesc: Monitorul
Status messenger: -
Vorbesc pe messenger cu: -
Citesc: Manga la Dragonball...Krillin just died for the first time, only 100 times to go XD
Ma gandesc la: Snitelele acelea
Dating: My imaginary girlfriend, she is the best: she doesn't talk much, she is a good listener, she doesn't complain, she doesn't question my choice of clothes...I am truly blessed by the Gods .
Doresc: Sa mananc acele snitele, of course
Iubesc pe: Parintii mei.
Nervos pe: nimeni
Urasc pe: nimeni
Imi lipseste: O scanteie care sa aprinda totul in mine.
Abia astept sa: Nu mai astept.