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In acest moment v.3

Mood: amused.
Status: la la la la laaa.
Locatie: intinsa pe jos.
Mananc: nah.
Beau: cola yeee.
Sunt imbracat in: halat de baie. i need to change, though.
Ascult: piraitul telefonului atunci cand primesc cate-un mesaj pe mess. annoying sound, what can i say.
Privesc: textul pe care tre' sa-l analizez pentru maine la meditatii.
Status messenger: invizibil.
Vorbesc pe messenger cu: the supreme troll.
Citesc: conversatia + textul.
Ma gandesc la: cat de lene-mi e si cum m-as culca in loc sa rezolv chestia asta, dar hey, n-o sa fiu in stare sa ma trezesc maine devreme sa termin 'cause i'm a lazy ass.
Dating: no. *grumpy cat mode on*
Doresc: food.
Iubesc pe: destul de multe persoane.
Nervos pe: -
Urasc pe: -
Imi lipseste: entuziasmul pe care-l aveam acum doua luni.
Abia astept sa: treaca weekendul, treaca "saptamana altfel" (in care nici pana acum nu stiu ce se presupune ca tre' sa facem) si sa vina vacanta. <3
[Imagine: sdfbnm.png]

Despite your best efforts, people are going to be hurt when it's time for them to be hurt.
~ Haruki Murakami~

Mood: good. I am doing fine! (is nothing wrong with me)
Status: imi curge nasul.
Locatie: bed.
Mananc: o viitoare salata (inca e in curs de "fabricare").
Beau: -
Sunt imbracata in: my usual clothes.
Ascult: something on HIT music ("Something it's wrong with this world nowdays" - lyrics).
Privesc: TV-ul.
Status Messenger: I am not on.
Vorbesc pe Messenger cu: nobody.
Citesc: what I wrote.
Ma gandesc la: Dya-chan & Titus.
Dating: Jesus Christ.
Doresc: sa il sun pe Titus si sa ies cu Dya (impreuna cu Vera) pe afara.
Iubesc pe: almost everybody.
Nervoasa pe: prea multa osteneala + imi irosesc nervii degeaba.
Urasc pe: -
Imi lipseste: calculatorul deja. I want to watch anime and horror movies and play Empire. T.T
Abia astept sa: imi revad prietenii.
"Forgive you? Why? It's not like I'm mad or anything. You were the one who got angry; just like you said, I was being too nosy. I've always been like that, not knowing my boundaries. I'm the type who'll water a plant til it drowns."
- Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai, vol. 2

Mood: asleep
Status: Am chef de scris, da` imi e lene 21
Locatie: scaun
Mananc: un mar
Beau: ceai
Sunt imbracata in: pijamale
Ascult: ploaia 8
Privesc: monitorul 15
Status messenger: Plouaaa : X
Vorbesc pe messenger cu: Pufosenieee
Citesc: ce scriu :]]
Ma gandesc la: vacanta...
Dating: nobody
Doresc: sa dorm
Iubesc pe: multe persoane
Nervoasa pe: -
Urasc pe: -
Imi lipseste: Deea :X
Abia astept sa: Vina vacantaaa :X
[Imagine: 2h83b7t.jpg]

Mood: somnoroasa
Status: -
Locatie: podea
Mananc: -
Beau: -
Sunt imbracata in: pantaloni scurti si tricou
Ascult: televizorul
Privesc: ecranul
Status messenger: -
Vorbesc pe messenger cu: Doua colege si un prieten bun
Citesc: -
Ma gandesc la: ziua de maine
Dating: -
Doresc: sa dorm, dar la fix.
Iubesc pe: el 71
Nervoasa pe: verisoara mea
Urasc pe: -
Imi lipseste: toti
Abia astept sa: se termine ziua de maine.
[Imagine: 435807fbnxzdbgby.gif]
[Imagine: 1370639wghbdmxzm0.gif]

"The more, impatient we are, the more mistakes we'll make" - Kurama

[Imagine: tumblr_mdft2ajCXy1rvbjx3o1_500.gif]

"Forgive you? Why? It's not like I'm mad or anything. You were the one who got angry; just like you said, I was being too nosy. I've always been like that, not knowing my boundaries. I'm the type who'll water a plant til it drowns."
- Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai, vol. 2

Mood: Lazzy...
Status: Mancare, mancare, mancare. I hate my grandma. Mancare!
Locatie: Pe parchet.
Mananc: Astept sa vina Sefu' sa-mi dea papa.
Beau: Apa
Sunt imbracata in: Pantaloni in dungi, tricou si bluza de trening. f**k, it's too fucking cold here.
Ascult: One day (stii love this fucking song)
Privesc: Videoclipul. Astept sarutul :->
Status messenger: Nu-s.
Vorbesc pe messenger cu:-
Citesc: Every manga from Nekota Yonezou.
Ma gandesc la: Ziua de maine, pustiul care mi-a spus ca ma pupa, autografele pe care le-am dat azi =]]. Poate nimerim si maine la fel.
Dating: Mancare.
Doresc: Sa fie caaaald. Si in casa si afara.
Iubesc pe: Victor si Stefan. Ii vreau cuplu24
Nervoasa pe: -
Urasc pe: -
Imi lipseste: Mancarea.
Abia astept sa: Vina tata sa mananc.
[Imagine: vriska_serket_signature_by_sardonicincubus-d5kkvn3.png]
You don't have to 8e a good person to 8e a hero.

"The nice part about being a pessimist is that you are constantly being either proven right or pleasantly surprised." - George F. Will

[Imagine: nbfda8.jpg]

Someone who can't sacrifice anything can never change anything.

Mood: keep fighting! -more like a status, but anyway.
Status: dulciuri.
Locatie: in pat.
Mananc: am mancat seminte si alte prostii.
Beau: -
Sunt imbracata in: haine de casa.
Ascult: The Cranberries - Zombie (*cries softly because this song it's so amazing*).
Privesc: postul NationalTV.
Status messenger: -
Vorbesc pe messenger cu: Vera.
Citesc: this amazing fanfic (I can't remember the name, though, but the pairings are: Destiel & Sabriel).
Ma gandesc la: ca viata e frumoasa asa cum e.
Dating: with my precious anime (Sword Art Online).
Doresc: the weekend! Dya x Vera, me and Titus.
Iubesc pe: mah friends.
Nervoasa pe: nobody.
Urasc pe: -
Imi lipseste: -
Abia astept sa: things. To do things.
"Forgive you? Why? It's not like I'm mad or anything. You were the one who got angry; just like you said, I was being too nosy. I've always been like that, not knowing my boundaries. I'm the type who'll water a plant til it drowns."
- Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai, vol. 2

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