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I iz in da house [reloaded]

Hey I'm back guys 4. Nui asa ca sunteti incantati ? Da pentru cei care nu ma cunosc sunt fostul Leaf Boy 3. C'mon people weezy is in da house !
Pai ca sa va reamintesc imi plac multe si putine. Nu. De ce sunt aici ? Imi plac unele animeuri si comunitatea prietenoasa. Woaw. Ascult Lil Wayne, T.I. , Lupe Fiasco, Chris Brown si Kanye West !!!

^ vezi ca ai cam facut spam >_>

sa revenim
welcome here
happy posting and no spam
see ya on the forum
You define The line beetwen human and divine
In this empty place intrinsic GRACE, SO necesary...
you define
[Imagine: df.jpg]
There are times, {Aoi}, I wish I had never set eyes on you,
Because every look makes me fall in love with you more,
And make it so i cannot live without you.

Citat:iti place kaleido star?

Are you kidding me ? :O Im obsessed.

Citat:^ vezi ca ai cam facut spam >_>

sa revenim
welcome here
happy posting and no spam
see ya on the forum
Da ?? scuzami greseala praise.
Ms pt urari

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  Yondaime in the house! Yondaime 5 4.236 08-03-2008, 01:16 AM
Ultimul răspuns: irisim

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