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How Well Do You Know Gravitation?


Rezultat :

You totally ACED this quiz!! You are definitley a true fan of Gravitation!!

Mamaaa ! 65
[Imagine: shaiyalight.png]

You totally ACED this quiz!! You are definitley a true fan of Gravitation!!

Pai...alceva nu putea sa spuna21.Gravitation Rullz!
[Imagine: comanda1semnatura.png]
My sin is Pride.
I'm on my highway to Hell!
Yuki is my kamy-sama. So...Shut the f*** up!
Criticii nu-i pot ranii pe creatori decta cu permisiunea acestora.

You tried to hold me under, I held my breath
Alone and now you wonder, what I possess
Nothing you can say , nothing's gonna change what you've done to me
Now it's time to shine, I'm gonna take what's mine
While you're burning inside my light

You totally ACED this quiz!! You are definitley a true fan of Gravitation!!

O.O ce ciudat ,laq unele nu prea am stiut si vad ca au fost corecte.
o.o" wot

You totally ACED this quiz!! You are definitley a true fan of Gravitation!!

Cam simplu testul21 zau... vad ca la toti a iesit tot aia... in fine... se putea s anu imi iasa? stiu anime-ul de cand a aparut^^
[Imagine: ichijoutakumaavatarsbylby6.jpg]
After death, people are given the opportunity to write one last letter to someone they left behind.These are the stories of those letters and the girl who delivers them.
[Imagine: chibi_354.gif]chibi-ul lui Rose-chan<a href=""><img src="" border="0"><br>Click here to feed me a Star Fruit!</a><br><a href="">Get your own at Flyffables!</a>

Your Result

You totally ACED this quiz!! You are definitley a true fan of Gravitation!!

Ma asteptam..pacat k nu zice kte rapunsuri avem gresite >.>
[Imagine: FES_Icon_by_ShardRenzi.jpg]

You totally ACED this quiz!! You are definitley a true fan of Gravitation!!

ah ah de ce nu ma mir? 21 9

Your Result

You totally ACED this quiz!! You are definitley a true fan of Gravitation!!

oh myO.o deci cred ca am vazut 5 ep (doar atat am apucatT.T but soon I'll see the anime on za net^.^) si am rezultatul astaO.o I'm good :yes:

Your Result
You totally ACED this quiz!! You are definitley a true fan of Gravitation!!
hehe ^-^ .... yay!!! i'm good XD
For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.
[Imagine: Neintitulat-7.jpg]
GFX made by meh! ^
[align=right]deviantArt || FaceBook || Twitter

Your Result
You totally ACED this quiz!! You are definitley a true fan of Gravitation!!

Well pentru cineva care a vazut toate episoadele,nu a fost greu.
CHiar mi-a placut testul.
[Imagine: c2a0c0530aa349b5ea812cc0f25d1c261282427224_full.png]
Tnx nibbles:X
[Imagine: ss-sig.png]
[Imagine: ss34ef-sig.png]
In the deep darkness the only light is you.
I am lost in my dark memories and in my foolish illusions.
In my dark world full of suffering and tears you are my way to happiness.

Your Result
You totally ACED this quiz!! You are definitley a true fan of Gravitation!!

Yeah a realy true fan here,dar care a ratat cateva episoade si care a ghicit mai mult la unele o.o'
[center]† Feeding on chaos †
[Imagine: hiokj.jpg]
† Living in sin †

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  Gravitation Character War Lye 4 6.321 02-05-2009, 07:23 PM
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