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Hey people o.o

Asa da. Esti mai sexy pe vechiul (actualul) cont. As fi tare fericita daca ai continua ficul sau ai scrie altul, dar stiu cum e cu ideile si timpul. 71
Anyway, nu va trebui sa ma anunti, voi fi pe faza cu cititul si comentatul, ca de obicei. Multa bafta cu munca ta in general. hug

Bine ai revenit.
Cand ti-am vazut nickname-ul, am stiu cu cine am de-a face. The Yaoi Queen is back, it seems. Nice to have you there again.
Sa mai scrii fanfic-uri cu idei originale si o gramatica mai mult decat acceptabila.
well, if you don't remember me, then ignore this post
"Forgive you? Why? It's not like I'm mad or anything. You were the one who got angry; just like you said, I was being too nosy. I've always been like that, not knowing my boundaries. I'm the type who'll water a plant til it drowns."
- Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai, vol. 2

@yaoi maniac
well, ofc i remember you Crazy-monkey-emoticon-105 de fapt, esti printre primele persoane pe care le-am recunoscut din prima 21 mai ales ca nu ti-ai schimbat nickul... nu stiu daca ultima data cand te-am vazut erai mod.. dar oricum felicitari si keep up the good work! Crazy-monkey-emoticon-115
---MY YAOI BLOG-- *click*
[Imagine: _Gay_Rights__by_Minty_Hippo.png][Imagine: Not_a_choice___stamp_by_ethereal_cr.gif]
Why is it that, as a culture we are more comfortable with seeing two men holding guns than holding hands? [Ernest Gaines]

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