![[Imagine: 4D6eJhr.jpg?1]](http://i.imgur.com/4D6eJhr.jpg?1)
Titlu: Hellsing
Gen: actiune, drama, horror, supernatural, biopunk
Autor: Kouta Hirano
Publicare: 1997-2008
Editura: Madmen si Dark Horse
Nr. volume: 10
Citat:Hellsing is named after and centered around the Holy Order of Protestant Knights, originally led by Abraham Van Helsing. The mission of Hellsing is to search and destroy those that threaten Queen and Country from the undead and other supernatural forces of evil. This organization is currently led by Sir Integra Hellsing, who inherited the leadership of Hellsing as a child after the death of her father. She witnessed his death which turned her from a once innocent and shy little girl to a tough and deadly force. She is protected by the faithful Hellsing family butler and former Hellsing "trashman" Walter, a deadly foe in his own right, and Alucard, the original and most powerful vampire that swore loyalty to the Hellsing family after being defeated by Van Helsing one hundred years before the story takes place. These formidable guardians are joined early on in the storyline by former police officer Seras, whom Alucard turned into a vampire. She is mostly involved for satire and comedy as a new vampire trying to learn a new lifestyle.Sursa: wikipedia
As the scale and frequency of incidents involving the undead escalate in England and all around the world, Sir Integra discovers that the remnants of a Nazi group called Millennium still exist and are intent on reviving the Third Reich by creating a battalion of vampires.
Mare mi-a fost mirarea sa vad ca nu exista un topic pentru aceasta serie minunata. Nu cred ca exista vreun fan anime care sa nu fi auzit macar de Hellsing. "Pe vremea mea" lumea se uita urat la tine daca nu stiai cine este Alucard, dar mai ales daca nu citisei manga. E deja stiut faptul ca anime-ul facut a fost unul slabut, la vremea respectiva nefiind terminat nici macar manga-ul. Am inteles ca OVA-urile sunt superioare, ca respecta mult mai mult povestea si au grafica foarte buna, dar atunci cand aflasem de ele nu erau inca terminate. Am gasit acum ca in decembrie, anul trecut (2012), au fost finalizate, asadar ma voi delecta candva si cu ele.
In ceea ce priveste manga-ul.
O poveste gandita, care desi incepe destul de greu, o data ce ajungi la actiune devine foarte usor de citit si ramai entuziasmat pe tot parcursul ei.
O grafica ce mi-a placut (in afara de primul capitol, unde exista o oarecare stangacie, dar isi revine repede), persoanje frumos conturate (cred ca ele constituie si punctul forte al seriei), actiune, drama, rasturnari de situatie. Pe scurt, tot ce are nevoie un manga de acest gen.
Poate este un pic prea exagerata, intr-un singur capitol fiind prezentate atatea modalitati de a ucide o persoana, cu finalizare cu tot, incat unele persoane ar putea fi usor dezgustate. Foarte mult sange, foarte brutal, dar, pana la urma, acesta este farmecul Hellsing.
Si cum am un mic obicei, o sa va las cu cateva intrebari:
1. Care este personajul vostru preferat? De ce?
2. Care este scena voastra favorita?
3. Care sunt punctele slabe ale acestei creatii?
E 1:43 a.m., scuze de eventuale greseli.
![[Imagine: tumblr_mc1u38yB7f1rtr21qo1_500.gif]](http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mc1u38yB7f1rtr21qo1_500.gif)