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Heeei ;;).

Heei theeeeeeere. hug

The name's Nymphh.
The age's not important.
The school is a mess.
The future is blurry.
The past is forgotten.
The present is a question mark.
The beauty does exists.
The dream is reachable.
The game is played.

Cant intr'o trupa. Smile

Bless The Fall
Drop Dead,Gorgeous
Eyes Set To Kill
Secondhand Serenade
All Time Low
Handshakes and Highfives
Kill Paradise
Scary Kids Scaring Kids

Well,what more can I say.
I don't need tons of makeup to look good.
I don't need the latest fashion to be 'trendi'.
I'm shy around boys when they are many.9
I always keep secrets, no matter whom it is that has told me
I am secretly a superhero that saves the world every night
I take a lot of pictures of myself
I am a chocolate dinosaur
I do not write fan-fictions
I have a hard time caring for people
I love photography
I have 2 guitars and I love them.
I speak nonsense a lot

Well,i like anime,but I'm not obsessed with it. 78


deci...nebuna asta de aici24)care tocmai s-a "descris" imi e prietena cea mai buna10se vede ,nuh? Msg pt yebby aici d fatza21tzine o tot asha24))))fii cHiLlIe16mamaie24))))))

21 .. da ce pot spune e super prezentarea , bft pe forum si sa imi dai reputatie 2124 ( glumeam ) sau ( poate nu ) ... bft la postat pe forum si sa ai grija sa nu faci spam ..

Multumesc de uhmm,welcome.
@hinata:heheeeee. hug

So you're emo, eh ? 23

So, daca tot nu s-a intrebat: anime/ manga preferat?

& nick-ul tau e luat cumva din HP ? 39 Tin minte ca era un personaj cu numele de Nymphadora [si Tonks, da' asta-i alta poveste] ...

Yeah, and spor la postat.

Nu sunt imouhhhh. (:
Poate ca sunt mai mereu suparata,si poate ca arat emo,si poate ca ma tai
DAR NU,eu nu'mi etichetez sentimentele.

Imi place Naruto,cum am mai zis si in descriere,imi plac animeurile dar nu's disperata.22
Si nu,nickul nu e din HP.
E din lipsa de ocupatie , Smile

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