Răspunsuri: 19
Subiecte: 3
Data înregistrării: Jul 2007
Zupi: 878 z
Handbalul e al 4-a sport care-mi place dupa Fotbal-Regele

, tennis shi Snooker. Am o echipa favorita la Masculin UCM Reshitza, imi place cand comentatorul striga BHUTUUULIAAA!!! hehe, cred ca ar trebui sa-l naturalizam, omu ala are un spirt TITANIC shi e de nerapus. D C doar strainii sa naturalizeze alte nantzionalitzatzi, d c sa nu ne mandrim shi noi cu cetatzenia noastra!? in sport ar putea fi primul pas.
Am jucat shi eu nitzcai handbal, indeajuns sa-mi placa mai mult decat basketul in care "poarta" e destul de stramta shi nu sunt mai multe moduri eficiente de aruncat precum in handbal. In handbal potzi sa faci shi aeriene, ceea ce e f placut, in basket ca sa faci asha ceva tre sa fii Michael Jordan sh-un pic de Cobby Briant

, asha ca prefer handbalul
Through pain and misery, a new life is born,
Hathread and resentment from all who once thorn,
This young soul apart from its rightfull master;
A whisper of death, a scent of despair, a brink of disaster
Befalls within the place he once called home;
Now that he finally falls to his tomb
There's still nobody who would even bother;
To give a schit on this outcast, diseased and forsaken,
From whom this world has very much taken
His lifespan, his pride, his every right to humanly behave
Leaving him empty as he descends to his grave,
Pure darkness remains, with nothing to uncover,
Only the memory, tormented with anger
Of what's left behind: the love of a brother.