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Ghiceste actorul/actrita!!

(22-08-2011, 08:37 PM)CandyGirl A scris: joe morelli (Mi-a luat ceva sa il recunosc4)
'Nea Googăl te'a minţit!

Hint1:Unul dintre personajul pe care le'a interpretat se numeÅŸte Joe Morelli. 10
Hint2:Shutter Island

Upsii4 scuzati stiam eu ceva dar na. Am vazut filmul in care il chema joe si mi-a ramas pe creieras numele ala4
So numele adevarat e:Mark Ruffalo Smile

Nextul ramane cel de dinainte:d
[Imagine: taemin-grr_180679547.gif]
I just wanna know if you feel the same
When you call my name someday
I will be there right in front of you

Eh, daca e cel dinainte, e Jim Carrey

So here's the >Next
Strangers have the best candies
[Imagine: 9B19F2F8D024899728F06BF94F09CF3B.gif]
Out of my mind...back in 5 minutes.

Hint me

Random stuff to reduce your boredom...maybe. ... This is the stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else on the site. If it did, it'd be there, but it doesn't, ...

Well lemme see, random stuff...
E-un adevarat erou, din cate imi amintesc eu a jucat rolul a doi supereroi Marvel destul de cunoscuti, si cand zic asta, ma refer ca unul dintre ei e almost cel mai important superou American, si, joaca rolul unui avocat dependent de droguri in an upcoming movie.
Daca asta nu ajuta...then ... a pic might...
Strangers have the best candies
[Imagine: 9B19F2F8D024899728F06BF94F09CF3B.gif]
Out of my mind...back in 5 minutes.

Chris Evans?


Yep, Chris Evans it is.
So, uimeste-ne cu next-ul...
Strangers have the best candies
[Imagine: 9B19F2F8D024899728F06BF94F09CF3B.gif]
Out of my mind...back in 5 minutes.

Meh...I do my best 10


Lol, cam greu. o.o" Nu'l văd prea bine, Mie'mi pare a fi Morgan Freeman (?).

Consider ca ar fi fost un pic cam absurd sa pun un actor atat de cunoscut ca Morgan Freeman intr-o poza din profil.
Gj, next!

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