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Generatia cu cheia la gat | Generatia actuala

(08-09-2012, 01:28 AM)Arya A scris: Sy please, don't blame it all on the god damned parents, the kids are as much at fault. My parents never really took care of me, and I know many many other people who's parents where shitheads. And they are normal, self controlled people who don't abuse drugs or alcohol, don't smoke and whatever shit life they've had, they've made it better for themselves.

They are hard working, self educated and intelligent people. Having idiots as parents isn't an excuse for being stupid yourself. That's why we have public libraries, free books on the Internet, interactive educating channels like National Geographic, Discovery, Animal Planet and all their variations.

Everybody is responsible for what they put in the empty attic that is their mind at first. Everybody is responsible for their own choices. They chose to be ignorant and stupid? Then they are responsible for it.

Yes, stupid 10 year olds. How dare they not read books on biochemistry, nutrition or other interesting subjects that we used to read when we were 10.
Oh, shit. We didn't.
[Imagine: tumblr_m0b1jsILTh1qg582mo1_r1_500.gif]

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RE: Generatia cu cheia la gat | Generatia actuala - de Syryus - 08-09-2012, 01:31 AM

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