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Favorite Death Note Quotes

What is everybody's favorite quotes from Death Note?!

Misa: I can't even imagine a world without Light...
L: Yes, it would be quite dark.

Ryuk: �For me� apples [are] like cigarettes and liquor for humans. If I�m deprived I go into withdrawals.�

Light: "I'll take the potato chip....and eat it!! *dramatic crunch*

Misa: Even if Light and I want to be alone you'll be there!?
L: Yes, I suppose I will...
Misa: You pervert!

Light: *calls Misa's cellphone*
L: Hello?
Light: What do you mean by "hello" ?
L: It seems someone dropped this phone amidst all the confusion just now.
Light: That's Misa's phone. I'll return it to her.
L: Really? Okay, got it! *turns to give Light Misa's phone*

L: "I'll give you this strawberry if you keep it a secret O.K?"

L: �Kira is childish and he hates losing� I�m also childish and hate losing.�

Mikami: "Delete! ... Delete! ... Delete! ... DELETEEE!!!"

cam astea's ... ce miam adus yo acum aminte 21
For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.
[Imagine: Neintitulat-7.jpg]
GFX made by meh! ^
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1. Ryuk : I konw it! humans are... So much fun!!

2.Ryuk : Wow, apples in the human world are damn good.They're...How do you say..."juicy" ?

3.L : Bang! If I was Kira, you'd be dead by now, Yagami Souichirou-san.

4. Ryuk : Man, I am glad that's finally over. This "school" really bored me.

5.Light : I'll become the god of my new world!!

Mai sunt multe, insa chiar nu mi le mai amintesc 4
Legile lui Murphy:
Daca ceva functioneaza, nu-i bine sa-l repari.
Sexul este unul din cele 9 motive ale reincarnarii. Celelate 8 nu sunt importante.
Tot ce e bun: ori e imoral, ori este ilegal, ori ingrasa.

*My anime list*

Light: *calls Misa's cellphone*
L: Hello?
Light: What do you mean by "hello" ?
L: It seems someone dropped this phone amidst all the confusion just now.
Light: That's Misa's phone. I'll return it to her.
L: Really? Okay, got it! *turns to give Light Misa's phone*

Ryuk : Wow, apples in the human world are damn good.They're...How do you say..."juicy" ?

Misa: I can't even imagine a world without Light...
L: Yes, it would be quite dark.

cam astea mi le amintesc....
[Imagine: 2uihshu.gif]

[Imagine: TheDream.png?t=1276345103][Imagine: EunHye22.png?t=1284281440][Imagine: 04.png?t=1304468354]
You’ve Fallen For Me.

There are just so many!

Matsuda: "Ryuzaki, is there anything I can do to help with the investigation... besides the manager thing?"
L: "Could you get me another cup of coffee?"

Light: "I'll take a potato chip... and EAT IT!!!"
(, that one was meant to be dramatic....but I bet NO ONE kept a straight face when Light said that!)

Ryuk (Talking to Light): "But if you kill all the bad will be the only bastard left."

L: "If you keep my secret, this strawberry is yours."
(Then the chief puts the strawberry in his pocket. xD I laughed so hard)

L: "My number of friends has increased yet again......"

L: "Bang! Bang! Bang! If I were Kira, you'd all be dead by now."

Yeah...My favourite is probably the strawberry one.
Why is L so awesome?

Oh Oh Oh. Momentan revăd Death Note 21 I'm like la episodul 15 ( yeah am văzut ieri 14 episoade, so what? I love it ). Anywaaaaaay. 5

Ryuk: < I knew it!... humans are.... so much fun!!!!! >( doamne cât de epică poate fi faza asta, I so love Ryuk even tho I used to dislike him a lot, he's so much... fun 21 )

L: Bang! If I were Kira, you'd all be dead by now. / I kind of started laughing here 24 he's so damn good, this L.

L: Because Light is... the first friend I ever had ( touching, indeed - and Kira was such a bad ass - and yeah I loved him in that moment as well but yeah yeah )

L: Kira is immature and hates losing... I know that because I am as well immature and I hate losing. ( cred că aici s-a evidenţiat atât de bine asemănare dintre L şi Light 21 lovely lovely )

Naomi Misora: Why do you keep checking your watch?
Light: Because... I'm Kira.
( one of the best moments from the anime!!!!! - ok, exagerez pentru că sunt atât de multe faze bestiale, însă am adorat momentul ăsta - păcat că nu e un quote şi când îl omoară pe Ray Penber pentru că ador şi clipa aia, but yeah yeah 5 )

Light: I'll become the God of my new world!

Light: I'll take a potato chip and eat it!


L “I just can’t sit any other way than this. If I sit the way other people do, my reasoning ability drops by 40%.”
“Will you be eating that cake?...say what you want, but I will be taking the cake.”
“If you use your head, you won’t get fat even if you eat sweets.”

Ryuk “Sorry, But… believe it or not I’m a male too…and you make me blush”

Misa: Even if Light and I want to be alone you'll be there!?
L: Yes, I suppose I will...
Misa: You pervert!

*Misa kisses L on the cheeck*
L:*talking to Misa* know i could fall for you^^
Misa: Please don't^^

Light -"Did you know, L? Shinigami only eat apples"

L: Light, you've been staring at me for a few minutes now, are you mad that I'm the only one eating cake?

L:*perversely staring at Misa* Yagami-kun... I'm very jealous.
Misa:*gasp* Someone's just touched my bum!
L:*moving about* What a cheek! To take advantage of all this confusion to do something like that! I'll find the culprit!

L: In case I die, your son is Kira.

L:I'll give you this strawberry if you keep it a secret O.K?

Near:You said she’s smart, but it only means she got high marks, and she’s actually a stupid woman

Matt:“Alright, time to put up another smoke screen."

Ok...cred ca am exagerat...21
[Imagine: 61516723.png]
Which translates to: Laughing so hard that coke came out my nose and I wasn't even drinking any.

Thanks Mimi x3 !

Ryuk: Humans are ... So much fun.

Misa: Even if Light and I want to be alone you'll be there?
L: Yes, I suppose I will.
Misa: You pervert!

Light: *calls Misa's cellphone*
L: Hello?
Light: What do you mean by "hello" ?
L: It seems someone dropped this phone amidst all the confusion just now.
Light: That's Misa's phone. I'll return it to her.
L: Really? Okay, got it! *turns to give Light Misa's phone*
[center][Imagine: 2isxfr.jpg][/center]
Mulţumesc, Abbeh. Ly <3.

[center][Imagine: lh4lc.gif][/center]

Misa: I can't even imagine a world without Light...
L: Yes, it would be quite dark.

Light: I'll take the potato chip....and eat it!!

Mikami: Delete! ... Delete! ... Delete! ... DELETEEE!!!

L: Light, you've been staring at me for a few minutes now, are you mad that I'm the only one eating cake?

B: I love this manga!
Naomi Misora: You do?
B: I do.
Naomi Misor : OK ... I think.

L: Was he cool?
Misora Naomi: Yes ... What? NO! He was rude and ...
L: I uderstand.

Ultimele doua sunt cele mai cele pentru mine.
[Imagine: 8x3VTT8.png]
© Hachiyuki - deviantArt

Hm...favorite quotes:
L: No matter how gifted, you alone cannot change the world.
[Straightens up]
L: But that's the wonderful thing about this world.

L: I too have sacrificed lives. But I cannot abandon this life in front of me.

Ryuuk: Light said he could be a God with that. Doesn't that interest you?
L: [Places Death Note down] The way Light died, was that godly?

L: What will you do?
Maki Nikaido: [Looks at L and raised knife again. Holds it for a few moments before breaking down into tears] I'm okay... I'm okay, now.
L: [Comes down and holds Maki in his arms] You're a good girl. I believed in you.

L: [In thoughts] Watari, I want to live a little more in this world.

Maki Nikaido: Why do you only eat sweets?
L: Sugar is an essential energy for the brain and...
Maki Nikaido: Over eating is bad. You'll die.
L: You could be right
Maki Nikaido: And you should straighten your back too.

L: Me? Quit? For me... this is everything.
[Is silent for a moment]
L: I'll be happy as long as you're with me, Watari.

Si partea cea mai tare e ca toate sunt din Death Note movie 3. xD
[Imagine: one_piece_quotes__luffy__quote_3__by_sky...5yul99.png]
Carpe Diem.

Mor după faza cu căpşuna şi după cum ţine Ryuzaki-kun telefonu. I love this guy! (But "I'll give you this strawberry to keep it secret", ok?) Şi mi-am adus aminte şi cum îşi dădea Light seama dacă i-a umblat cineva în cameră, dar nu ştiu cum suna ca şi citat. E bine cu clanţe din alea. Ale mele nu se mişcă nicăieri fără să se deschidă uşa automat.
Åži "-Why do you keep checking your watch?
-Because I'm Kira."

Atunci mi-a picat curentu 24)

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