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Evita cuvantul DA sau NU :P:P:P

Depinde de ma dau in vad dupa aceste unchii false...

Iti plac manelele >.<?

le urasc... is cea mai mare prostie care so putut inventa vreodata... le urasc..

Iti place animezup?
[Imagine: 20080626090306.jpg]

Imi aprind visatoare o tigara. Fumul trece lenes si nepasator prin fata mea, formand niste spirale demne de admiratia unui artist..

Normal!Cel mai prietenos site vreodata ^^

Iti plac cainii? 71

Mai intrebi? Imi place la nebunia!Il ador!E sooper, bestial, cool!EXTRAORDINAR!

next: Iti place sa citesti?
[Imagine: blendGSgardy7-1.jpg]

FRIENDS are like stars...
They come and go...But the one that stay
Are the ones that go

LOVE is like a ghost...
Many talk abouit it, but
only few can feel it...

You can fall from a mountain,
You can fall from a tree,
But the best way you can fall,
Is a friendship with me...

[Imagine: chibi_435.gif]
Chibi-ul lui emo girl

Urasc sa citesc carti 21 insa ador sa citesc ficuri :8: stim noi de care :devil:

Next: Iti place sa patinezi? :8:

Never tried -_-"

Iti place sa stai ore intregi pe mess? 21

Eh...asta fac in fiecare zi...

next:Ti sa intamplat sa se intample in viata ce ai visat?
[Imagine: blendGSgardy7-1.jpg]

FRIENDS are like stars...
They come and go...But the one that stay
Are the ones that go

LOVE is like a ghost...
Many talk abouit it, but
only few can feel it...

You can fall from a mountain,
You can fall from a tree,
But the best way you can fall,
Is a friendship with me...

[Imagine: chibi_435.gif]
Chibi-ul lui emo girl

Never ever ^^

Ai cosmaruri? :help:

*oh god.... "Mesajul este prea scurt. Va rugam introduceti un mesaj mai lung." -_-"*

HM...pana aku am fost vedem de acum inaint...

next: Ai vazut vreo fantoma?
[Imagine: blendGSgardy7-1.jpg]

FRIENDS are like stars...
They come and go...But the one that stay
Are the ones that go

LOVE is like a ghost...
Many talk abouit it, but
only few can feel it...

You can fall from a mountain,
You can fall from a tree,
But the best way you can fall,
Is a friendship with me...

[Imagine: chibi_435.gif]
Chibi-ul lui emo girl


Next: Bei Pepsi in fiecare saptamana?

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