07-05-2008, 07:08 AM
O sa postez ceva in engleza care nu am avut ocazia sa postez pe un forum englez din motive administrative, pt ca nu am chef sa traduc shi de obicei sa fiu sincer lucrurile tind sa capete o rezonantza amplificata in acesta limba, exact cum imi place mie
Nota introductiva: ultimele 3 ep din Claymore pe care l-am vazut tot intr-o zi, apoi a 2-a oara in aceeashi saptamana, inutil fiind sa zic ca mi-a placut enorm...ashadar ultimele 3 ep nu au fost scrise de acest Yagi care din cate am intzeles a scris f mult Claymore manga, fiind o detashare de la viziunea sa. Postul meu se refera la acestea 3 precum shi la opinia unor membrii de pe acel forum cum ca Raki ar fi prea plangharetz{mooshie-wooshie} shi nu se potriveshte seriei.
Nu cred ca e spoiler, deoarece cred ca nimeni nu poate intzelege ce am scris eu aici, decat cu mica shansa daca a vazut cele 26 de ep shi a shi retzinut mai ales cu sufletul, o mare parte
Hmm...I read most of the later posts in this section and I see a mutual agreement: U didn't enjoy excedingly the end, last 3 episodes I recogn. I don't know who this Yagi is and I'm barley interested, all my life I was intrested in ideeas, worlds, sentiments and fearcesome principles and whoever is capable of finding new, appealing ones, it's just fine by me! Now... more on target, I liked this anime through all it's chapters especialy because of the high quality on human and non-human interactions, both fizicly and speachfully. I saw it all in less than a day, and twice in less than a weak with a friend. What I enjoy this much it isn't a hobby, but a ever-hungry need of further understandment. Well...I can grasp the feeling one can have after an ending such as this anime has, but in my humble opinion it is not in the spirit of stereotype one must linger, but into those fearcesome warriors that showed the limit of their icey minds and the extent of their reluctant human feelings which I most thirstfully enjoied. Again the Raki wooshie-mushie sort of judgement I don't comply, the only judgement I've got over Raki is made with my soul and...may I be so bolled to ask myself and everyone, what a boy who lost his familly much like youre average Claymore but had no posibilityes of gaining fighting abilities to avange them, must lore inside!? He entrusted Clare with all of that and much more vulnerable than Clare was on her own young monstruos fare share of life, before meeting Teresa{of the Faint Smile--good name ^^, evan better, espectacular estetic-defence atributes O_O-Sorry I can't help my offtopic self } I think it was great how Clare saw and could distinguish her emotios for every soul she encountered in a uinique way, especially Teresa, Raki and Jeane. That is always enspiring, the conflict between what u are and what u can do. I felt it especially in the end when the flesh-cuttin' noble, developed through the ages spirt, that Jane posseses reveled her human weakness and in the same time titanic strenght: to appreciate someone's act at such an extent that makes her overpay it, with her own life, so she can feel finnaly relieved. How can u not appreciate smth like that!?...somethimes the princeple of the thing is more espectacular eye-cuttin' that any blade acrobacy could muster, and binding those two togeter is what I think these series, episodes 1st through 26th has managed to emphasize.
Edit: F bun topicul Bubbles, ashteptam sa deschida cineva ca sa pot posta shi eu , o chestie ramane de specificat pt a da coeziune maxima descrierii tale shi anume, Claymore sunt toate fete, de aceea le-ai numit shi "ele" normal, iar motivul in spatele acestui fapt nu are nimic de a face cu shansa sau intamplarea...ghndindu-ma la asta, rememorez scena din primul episod, ce se poate citi toata pe fatza lui Raki cand descopera ca temutzii Claymore sunt chiar..."Nu shtiai, Claymore sunt toate fete!?" :ohmy: {Sorry pt spoiler}
Nota introductiva: ultimele 3 ep din Claymore pe care l-am vazut tot intr-o zi, apoi a 2-a oara in aceeashi saptamana, inutil fiind sa zic ca mi-a placut enorm...ashadar ultimele 3 ep nu au fost scrise de acest Yagi care din cate am intzeles a scris f mult Claymore manga, fiind o detashare de la viziunea sa. Postul meu se refera la acestea 3 precum shi la opinia unor membrii de pe acel forum cum ca Raki ar fi prea plangharetz{mooshie-wooshie} shi nu se potriveshte seriei.
Nu cred ca e spoiler, deoarece cred ca nimeni nu poate intzelege ce am scris eu aici, decat cu mica shansa daca a vazut cele 26 de ep shi a shi retzinut mai ales cu sufletul, o mare parte
Hmm...I read most of the later posts in this section and I see a mutual agreement: U didn't enjoy excedingly the end, last 3 episodes I recogn. I don't know who this Yagi is and I'm barley interested, all my life I was intrested in ideeas, worlds, sentiments and fearcesome principles and whoever is capable of finding new, appealing ones, it's just fine by me! Now... more on target, I liked this anime through all it's chapters especialy because of the high quality on human and non-human interactions, both fizicly and speachfully. I saw it all in less than a day, and twice in less than a weak with a friend. What I enjoy this much it isn't a hobby, but a ever-hungry need of further understandment. Well...I can grasp the feeling one can have after an ending such as this anime has, but in my humble opinion it is not in the spirit of stereotype one must linger, but into those fearcesome warriors that showed the limit of their icey minds and the extent of their reluctant human feelings which I most thirstfully enjoied. Again the Raki wooshie-mushie sort of judgement I don't comply, the only judgement I've got over Raki is made with my soul and...may I be so bolled to ask myself and everyone, what a boy who lost his familly much like youre average Claymore but had no posibilityes of gaining fighting abilities to avange them, must lore inside!? He entrusted Clare with all of that and much more vulnerable than Clare was on her own young monstruos fare share of life, before meeting Teresa{of the Faint Smile--good name ^^, evan better, espectacular estetic-defence atributes O_O-Sorry I can't help my offtopic self } I think it was great how Clare saw and could distinguish her emotios for every soul she encountered in a uinique way, especially Teresa, Raki and Jeane. That is always enspiring, the conflict between what u are and what u can do. I felt it especially in the end when the flesh-cuttin' noble, developed through the ages spirt, that Jane posseses reveled her human weakness and in the same time titanic strenght: to appreciate someone's act at such an extent that makes her overpay it, with her own life, so she can feel finnaly relieved. How can u not appreciate smth like that!?...somethimes the princeple of the thing is more espectacular eye-cuttin' that any blade acrobacy could muster, and binding those two togeter is what I think these series, episodes 1st through 26th has managed to emphasize.
Edit: F bun topicul Bubbles, ashteptam sa deschida cineva ca sa pot posta shi eu , o chestie ramane de specificat pt a da coeziune maxima descrierii tale shi anume, Claymore sunt toate fete, de aceea le-ai numit shi "ele" normal, iar motivul in spatele acestui fapt nu are nimic de a face cu shansa sau intamplarea...ghndindu-ma la asta, rememorez scena din primul episod, ce se poate citi toata pe fatza lui Raki cand descopera ca temutzii Claymore sunt chiar..."Nu shtiai, Claymore sunt toate fete!?" :ohmy: {Sorry pt spoiler}
Through pain and misery, a new life is born,
Hathread and resentment from all who once thorn,
This young soul apart from its rightfull master;
A whisper of death, a scent of despair, a brink of disaster
Befalls within the place he once called home;
Now that he finally falls to his tomb
There's still nobody who would even bother;
To give a schit on this outcast, diseased and forsaken,
From whom this world has very much taken
His lifespan, his pride, his every right to humanly behave
Leaving him empty as he descends to his grave,
Pure darkness remains, with nothing to uncover,
Only the memory, tormented with anger
Of what's left behind: the love of a brother.