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Cinema Bizarre / Luminor (ex-member)

Originea numelui: Luminor este masculinul al "Lumina" care semnifică Lumina Lunii sau Strălucirea Luminii

Vîrsta: 25

Ziua de naÅŸtere: Martie 22, 1985

Locul naÅŸterii: Neunkirchen (Saarland)

Zodiac: Berbec

Culoarea părului: Negru cu şuviţe cafenii

Culoarea ochilor: Verzi/AlbaÅŸtri/Suri

Înălţime: 1.84m

Hobby: Să scrie poezii, istorii, să citească

Talent: Cîntarea, Teatrul, Scrierea şi Actoria

Tatuaje/Piercing: Nu are

Trăieşte în: Berlin

Fraţi/Surori: ?

Animale: Nu are

Relaţii: Deschis pentru orice

Parfum: 'Angel' de Thierry Mugler

Fumător: Da


Muzica: Him/ D'espairs Ray/ Marilyn Manson/ Moi Dix Moi/ Zeraphine/ Sarah Brightman/ Nightwish/ Cher/ Birthday Massacre/ Musical Elisabeth/ Lacrimosa/ Vacuum/ Marlene Dietrich/ Ute Lemper/ Within Temptation/ Soundtracks/ Cinema Bizarre

Filme: Die Nachtblende/ Gone with The Wind/ Inerview With A Vampire/ Nosferatu with Klaus Kinski/ The Phantom Of tHe Opera/ Evita/ Queen Of The damned/ The Little Mermaid/ Lord Of The Rings Trilogy/ Marlene/ Trio Infernale

Cărţi: Lord Of The Rings/ Engelsgift/ Der Vampir Armand/ Anne Rice Novels/ Gone With The Wind/ Kafka/ Heine

Cîntecul din Final Attraction: Heavensent/Get Off

Culori: Negru/Liliaciu

Mîncare: Asică

Băuturi: Cola Light

Seriale TV: Drawn Together

Å¢ara: ?

Animal: Seagull


- Codul clipului său este 345

- Codul albumului este 267

- Luna îl fascinează

- Numele său îi reflectă sufletul

- ÃŽi place teatrul

- Se descrie ca un ecscentric, romantic, puternic, melancolic ÅŸi sensibil

- Muzica este viaţa sa şi suportul

- Îi place să citească

- ÃŽi plac seagulls
[Imagine: 1761288652_1.jpg]
[Imagine: luminor+foto+mixta%5B1%5D]

Eu una regret ca a plecat,dar era prea bolnav...2
Voi ce credeti despre el?

-Dedicated to julien -

Here we stand.
So unchanged but new grown.
So unseen but everywhere.
Rosed into our darkness.
Behind us the worlds that we had broke down.
Infront us the world we both had builded.
Can we here the call?
And if ther is a question you hide inside your dark heart.
There..s just one way of answer.
Look eyes.

Take my hand and we will be there.
Through shadows we might fall,
But our world is heaven .
Keep this hand and we are flying.
No matter how we are called.
There is just one thing that is true.
You and me .
Our world.

And we are swimming..
Through the darkest seas.
Inside my arms i keep you.
Protecting you from your fears.
And we are running through the widdest fields.
And every eye that follows.
Will never know our name.
The name for what only we ..
Can be.

So stand still and look inside this eyes now.
They are not afraid of what you are.
And they can be the door..
to what seems now so far..
To what..we are.

Take my hand and we will be there.
And if from every grace we will fall.
Our world is glory.
Keep this hand and escaping.
From all that can be caught.
Together we shall be free.
No lie can brake this truth..

Our truth.
Our world.

( written march 08 )
[Imagine: luminor1.jpg]
[Imagine: 25816713.jpg]
[Imagine: luminorjetsamdontcallmenw9.jpg]
[Imagine: 25816805.jpg]
[Imagine: luminorjetsamthesoftkisyg8.jpg]

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