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Choose the song [Kpop]

Hmm... asta e prima oara cand ii aud pe cei de la JJ Project si nu m-au lasat uimit. Adica, de obicei cand ascult pentru prima oara o melodie coreeana, raman cu gura cascata. Unele au ceva ce atrag, mai ales cele de la SMTOWN. Revenind.
Nu-mi place melodia celor de la JJ Project pentru ca au un stil ce nu ma prea atrage si nu il prea ascult. Altele sunt combinate si dau mai bine.
Ma bucur ca ai pus EXO-K si nu -M. La ora actuala, Exo sunt trupa mea favorita din coreea, reusind sa atraga de la prima melodie. MAMA e pur si simplu geniala, si are si un MV superb chiar daca se cam puteau lipsi de introducerea aia de 1 minut si ceva. Am cautat si traducerea tot pe youtube si pot spune, la fel ca altii, ca melodia are un mesaj puternic. Cine-l intelege bine, cine nu, iar bine.
Imi place combinatia, mai ales partea aia cu rock-ul 4. SM scoate trupe pe banda si desigur trupe bune. Cred ca EXO, si M si K[mai ales K] vor impresiona multa vreme, dar sper sa nu isi schimbe stilul.
Deci EXO-K.


edit: ce prostie am spus cand am zis ca e bine ca nu ai pus Exo-m....aia sunt din China, cu toate ca Exo-m si -k formeaza o trupa din 12 persoane...
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Răspunsuri în acest subiect
Choose the song [Kpop] - de βεκi - 06-09-2011, 01:39 AM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de Aerith - 06-09-2011, 11:07 AM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de Drama Queen - 06-09-2011, 02:27 PM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de Aerith - 06-09-2011, 06:54 PM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de Alysu - 06-09-2011, 09:27 PM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de Aerith - 07-09-2011, 12:45 AM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de Drama Queen - 07-09-2011, 09:56 AM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de βεκi - 07-09-2011, 10:57 AM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de βεκi - 07-09-2011, 12:29 PM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de Aerith - 07-09-2011, 02:28 PM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de Aerith - 08-09-2011, 01:44 PM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de chu - 09-09-2011, 01:23 AM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de βεκi - 09-09-2011, 10:34 AM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de Drama Queen - 09-09-2011, 10:43 AM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de βεκi - 09-09-2011, 11:12 AM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de βεκi - 09-09-2011, 06:10 PM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de βεκi - 28-10-2011, 09:17 AM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de Denny - 28-10-2011, 04:24 PM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de βεκi - 29-10-2011, 10:10 AM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de Denny - 29-10-2011, 01:17 PM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de βεκi - 17-11-2011, 10:06 PM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de Alysu - 20-11-2011, 07:28 PM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de ZuZuu:) - 17-12-2011, 05:42 PM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de βεκi - 22-12-2011, 01:56 PM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de ^Ciresica^ - 02-04-2012, 06:39 PM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de Liar - 02-04-2012, 06:56 PM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de Sako-chan - 02-04-2012, 08:35 PM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de Rain - 05-05-2012, 05:26 PM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de AyameXx - 08-05-2012, 08:55 PM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de Aerith - 10-06-2012, 03:17 AM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de Ryuu - 10-06-2012, 12:13 PM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de Yun. - 26-06-2012, 01:56 AM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de Ryuu - 01-08-2012, 05:24 PM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de Kangelity - 01-08-2012, 09:26 PM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de Denny - 02-08-2012, 01:25 PM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de Aggie - 03-08-2012, 02:34 PM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de Denny - 20-08-2012, 02:57 PM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de Ryuu - 20-08-2012, 05:45 PM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de History - 02-09-2012, 04:02 PM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de Denny - 02-09-2012, 07:27 PM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de KarinaD - 11-09-2012, 10:58 PM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de Aerith - 07-10-2012, 03:56 PM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de Ryuu - 21-10-2012, 12:49 PM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de Mao. - 22-10-2012, 07:59 PM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de History - 09-03-2013, 09:08 PM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de Aerith - 07-04-2013, 11:24 PM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de Akiii - 08-04-2013, 10:19 AM
RE: Choose the song [Kpop] - de Aerith - 08-04-2013, 12:21 PM

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