21-08-2008, 09:11 PM
In primul rand...i-ar da una in cap,dupa care l-ar lega de scaun si l-ar ameninta ca il tunde daca nu inceteaza cu acest gand atat de prostesc.Sa paraseasca trupa pentru o fata?No Way!
Next:Ce-ar face Yuki daca ar afla ca in Tokyo exista o scriitoare tanara,mult mai talentata decat el?
P.S>incercati sa scrieti mai mult de un rand...sa nu consider spam.
Next:Ce-ar face Yuki daca ar afla ca in Tokyo exista o scriitoare tanara,mult mai talentata decat el?
P.S>incercati sa scrieti mai mult de un rand...sa nu consider spam.
My sin is Pride.
I'm on my highway to Hell!
Yuki is my kamy-sama. So...Shut the f*** up!
Criticii nu-i pot ranii pe creatori decta cu permisiunea acestora.
You tried to hold me under, I held my breath
Alone and now you wonder, what I possess
Nothing you can say , nothing's gonna change what you've done to me
Now it's time to shine, I'm gonna take what's mine
While you're burning inside my light
Alone and now you wonder, what I possess
Nothing you can say , nothing's gonna change what you've done to me
Now it's time to shine, I'm gonna take what's mine
While you're burning inside my light