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Ce Asculti acum?

Pimp C feat. Drake & Bun B - sa fiu a dracu daca imi amintesc cum se cheama melodia
stiu, nu-ti iese totul mereu, dar azi intra

(27-08-2010, 12:18 PM)Cherie. A scris: Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven
Chiar ca e superba. Bine ca mi-ai adus aminte de ea.

Ontopic: Led zeppelin - Stairway to heaven.
Tenderest touch leaves the darkest of marks,
And the kindest of kisses break the hardest of hearts
~Florence + The Machine

Kamelot - Forever [ live ].
Este piesa mea preferată.

Oh, ce post incredibil de scurt.
Edmond: [pauses, remembering what Fernand said when he asked why he betrayed him] It's complicated. Let's just say it's vengeance for the life that you stole from me.

Eclair's Fire

stiu, nu-ti iese totul mereu, dar azi intra

(27-08-2010, 01:52 PM)Luli. A scris: Kamelot - Forever [ live ].
Este piesa mea preferată.

Oh, ce post incredibil de scurt.
Yay, another Kamelot fan! Me is happy.

Ontpoic: Kamelot - March of mephisto
Tenderest touch leaves the darkest of marks,
And the kindest of kisses break the hardest of hearts
~Florence + The Machine

Nocturnal Depression- Her Ghost Haunts These Walls
[Imagine: 72802840.png]
Merci Mimi ^^
[Imagine: 28940614.png]
"Imagine all the people
Living life in peace"
[Imagine: Shiny_La_by_SmilingMuffin.gif]
so cool like
[Imagine: tumblr_lgw3mu5Ho51qatkou.gif]

Kanye West & Jay-z feat. Rick Ross, Nicki Minaj & Bon Iver - Monster -- Rick Ross are 4 versuri 24
stiu, nu-ti iese totul mereu, dar azi intra

Kamelot- Elizabeth I: Mirror Mirror
[Imagine: 72802840.png]
Merci Mimi ^^
[Imagine: 28940614.png]
"Imagine all the people
Living life in peace"
[Imagine: Shiny_La_by_SmilingMuffin.gif]
so cool like
[Imagine: tumblr_lgw3mu5Ho51qatkou.gif]

Scorpions - Wind of Change
Urmeaza : Metallica - Turn the Page
Eminem - Love you more
Bullet For My Valentine - Your betrayal
Seether - Tongue
[Imagine: p4KKzIN.png]
You could be the best of me when I'm the worst for you.
golden tragedy

Kamelot- Elizabeth II: Requiem For The Innocent
[Imagine: 72802840.png]
Merci Mimi ^^
[Imagine: 28940614.png]
"Imagine all the people
Living life in peace"
[Imagine: Shiny_La_by_SmilingMuffin.gif]
so cool like
[Imagine: tumblr_lgw3mu5Ho51qatkou.gif]

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