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Caracterizeaza userul de deasupra (2)

I'm into this thing today Smile kill me if you please.


I was looking at your nickname and all that ÅŸit and I was like: do I know her? but hen I just searched up on your profile and all. You're the old Abbeh aren't you? you chippy little chitty treaky. it doesn't make sense, I know.
ÃŽn orice caz, I used to know you around here and all. I mean because of some posts and all. But I don't remember to actually have been talking to you. or yes? maybe on some profile messages or something? kill me I dunno, I'm a random dude with no memory of any at all.

dar în orice caz, pari destul de okay. like, you know. pari genul de persoană prietenoasă, puţin răutăcioasă, maybe, şi ... rătutită. You seem like that to me. Adică, ştii tu, genul de persoană care e uneori picată din cer. In a good way, though. I may be wrong, I don't know, I'm random more or less. Seen you around here anyway. Şi pari destul de ... hmm, acceptabilă, uşor de abordat, sociabilă, prietenoasă, okay in every sense I suppose. Nu mi se pare a avea dificultăţi în a vorbi cu tine şi presupun că ai grupul tău de prieteni în care te comporţi ca un vulcan care este pe care să erupă, numai că atunci când lava o să iasă la suprafaţă o să descoperi că nu e decât vată de zahăr rooooooz. or maybe not, who know, it's just my friggin' opinion mixed up with a lot of freaky&sick imagination. blame my mind.

And I think you're a little bit arrogant and narcissist, aren't you? I mean you ought to be and you look like you are. Otherwise, I imagine you like... y'know, a normal person. Mi-ai făcut o impresie normală, în sensul acela de persoană nu dintr-o bucată, but y'know, normal, like... you know, sociabilă, prieteni, not exaggerating by anything, destul de interesantă, posturi destul de okay, kind of fluffy and all that şit, i mean pari să ai câte ceva din fiecare chestie. la ce eşti tu mai bună, i don't know. îmi plac posturile tale. i mean i didn't read them all or anything but what i've read, there was nice.

so dunno, keep going or something. it's not much, forgive me lol.

Răspunsuri în acest subiect
RE: Caracterizează userul de deasupra (2) - de Teh - 22-06-2011, 10:37 PM
RE: Caracterizează userul de deasupra (2) - de yulobo - 06-08-2011, 10:02 PM
RE: Caracterizează userul de deasupra (2) - de Aly - 20-08-2011, 01:43 PM

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