23-02-2008, 04:12 PM
Capitolul cu numarul 311 din Manga Bleach a fost tradus de curând, capitolul este intitulat "The Undead 4" şi poate fi descarcat de pe Bleach Romania doar facând click pe numele capitolului.
Bleach News
23-02-2008, 04:12 PM
Capitolul cu numarul 311 din Manga Bleach a fost tradus de curând, capitolul este intitulat "The Undead 4" şi poate fi descarcat de pe Bleach Romania doar facând click pe numele capitolului.
28-02-2008, 07:16 PM
Episodul 162 din Bleach este gata subbed si poate fi luat de la urmatorii :
- Dattebayo - Flomp-Fansub Episodul de saptamana asta se numeste "Syazel Aporro Laughs, the Net Trapping Renji is Complete" . Pentru a incepe sa downloadati acest episod aveti nevoie de un client de BitTorrent cum ar fi BitComet sau UTorrent . Plotline : Even after using his most powerful attacks, Ichigo proves to be no match for Ulquiorra. Ichigo, however, refuses to give up, believing Ulquiorra to be the top-ranked Espada. Ulquiorra reveals his "4" tattoo, proving otherwise, and stabs Ichigo in the chest. He leaves Ichigo to either escape or die. Meanwhile, Orihime is confronted by Lolly and Menoly, two female arrancar out for revenge since Aizen favors Orihime over them. Finally, Renji is granted a reprieve from Szayel Aporro when Uryū steps in. ![]() Enjoy !!!:36:
06-03-2008, 08:44 AM
Episodul 163 din Bleach este gata subbed si poate fi luat de la urmatorii :
- Dattebayo - Flomp-Fansub Episodul de saptamana asta se numeste "Shinigami and Quincy, the Battle with Madness" . Pentru a incepe sa downloadati acest episod aveti nevoie de un client de BitTorrent cum ar fi BitComet sau UTorrent . Plotline : Orihime is rescued from Loly and Menoly by Grimmjow as repayment for Orihime restoring his arm. He tells Orihime that he needs her help, and takes her with him. Meanwhile, Uryū finds that his arrival was expected by Szayel Aporro, and his attacks are useless against both the Espada and his minions. Renji saves Uryū from a fatal blow, and the two prepare to work together to take down their common foe. ![]() Enjoy !!!:36:
13-03-2008, 08:04 AM
Episodul 164 din Bleach a fost subbed si poate fi luat de la urmatorii :
- Dattebayo - Flomp-Fansub Episodul de saptamana asta se numeste "Ishida's Strategy, the 20-second Offense and Defense" . Pentru a incepe sa downloadati acest episod aveti nevoie de un client de BiTorrent cum ar fi BitComet sau UTorrent . Plotline : With Renji's help, Uryū maneuvers Szayel into a trap, catching him in a massive explosion. Though the trap is very damaging, it fails to kill Szayel. By eating one of his subordinates, Szayel is completely healed. However, rather than retaliate, he leaves, wanting to replace his damaged clothing and formulate a new plan. Meanwhile, Grimmjow brings Orihime to Ichigo, wanting him healed so their battle will be a fair one. Before she can finish her work, however, Ulquiorra arrives. ![]() ![]() _________________________________________________________ Regarding the fillers : Bleach va intra incet si cat de curand in filiere . Zvonul a fost confirmat de bleach-fan.jp prin prezenta unui nou capitan pe numele Amagai Shuusuke care va prelua rolul de third division captain . Povestea se va intoarce in Soul Society incepand pin preajma lunii aprilie . Hueco Mundo Arc will never be the same . ![]()
20-03-2008, 06:42 PM
Episodul 165 din Bleach a fost subbed si poate fi luat de la urmatorii :
- Dattebayo - Flomp-Fansub Episodul de saptamana asta se numeste "The Murderous Intent Boils! The Joyful Grimmjow" . Pentru a incepe sa downloadati acest episod aveti nevoie de un client de BitTorrent cum ar fi BitComet sau Utorrent . Plotline : Using a special device called Caja Negación, Grimmjow traps Ulquiorra in an alternate dimension which will take him several hours to escape. Once Ichigo is healed their battle begins. Ichigo finds himself slightly outmatched against Grimmjow, but when Grimmjow's gran rey cero attacks threatens the lives of Orihime and Nel, Ichigo dons his hollow mask to even the odds and block the attack. ![]() ![]() ___________________________________________________________ Next episode on : 09.04.2008 ~ "Desperate Effort vs. Desperate Effort! Ichigo Transforms Into a Hollow"
04-04-2008, 11:06 PM
Din câte am văzut Kronos postează ştirile despre episoade aşa că eu am să postez ştiri despre manga.
Capitolul -107, intitulat "Turn back the pendulum 2" poate fi descărcat de pe site-ul Bleach România.
10-04-2008, 12:29 PM
Episodul 166 din Bleach a fost subbed si poate fi luat de pe site-ul oficial Dattebayo . Episodul este valabil in 2 forme :
1 . versiunea avi : low quality 2 . versiunea mkw : high quality Pentru mai multe informatii privind acet amanunt , dati un click aici . Episodul de saptamana asta se numeste "Desperate Effort VS Desperate Effort! The Hollowized Ichigo" . Pentru a incepe sa downloadati aveti nevoie de un client de BitTorrent cum ar fi BitComet sau Utorrent . Plotline : Ichigo and Grimmjow, now in his resurrección form, face off in a destructive battle across Las Noches while Orihime and Nel look on. Ichigo is slowly beaten back by Grimmjow, despite managing to maintain his hollow mask for much longer than he previously could. Orihime, meanwhile, is scared to watch, seeing the same look in his eyes as her brother had when he became a hollow. At Nel's insistence, she overcomes her fear and cheers Ichigo on, giving him the resolve to turn the tide and deal Grimmjow a devastating blow. ![]() ![]() ____________________________________________________________ Next episode on 16.04.2008 ~ "Time of conclusion, End of Grimmjow" Posibil ca acest episod sa fie ultimul non-filler pt o buna vreme , next episode , inceputul unui posibil arc de fillers . Pe data de 23.04.2008 , va incepe noul filler arc intitulat "The New Captain Appears! His name is Amagai Shuusuke" . Aceasta decizie a fost luata pentru a i se permite lui Tite Kubo sa publice mai mult material . Expect de worse ... T_T
11-04-2008, 04:56 PM
Capitolul -106 din manga Bleach, intitulat "Turn Back The Pendulum 3 a fost scanlat de Binktopia
Descărcaţi capitolul de Aici
17-04-2008, 01:12 PM
Episodul 167 din Bleach a fost subbed si poate fi luat de pe site-ul Dattebayo .
Episodul de saptamana asta se numeste "The Moment of Conclusion, the End of Grimmjow" . Pentru a incepe sa downloadati acest episod aveti nevoie de un client de BitTorrent cum ar fi Utorrent sau BitComet . Plotline : A flashback explains how menos are created. Grimmjow is shown as an adjuchas, and his history with Shawlong Koufang, Edrad Liones, Yylfordt Granz, Nakeem, and Di Roy is explored. In the present, Grimmjow, despite being wounded, refuses to give up. He uses his strongest attack on Ichigo, but Ichigo overcomes it and deals the final blow. After leaving Grimmjow on the ground, Ichigo prepares to take Orihime away from Las Noches. ![]() ![]() _________________________________________________________ Next episode on 23.04.2008 ~ "The New Captain Appears! His name is Shūsuke Amagai"
18-04-2008, 04:10 PM
Capitolul -105 din Bleach, intitulat "Turn back the pendulum 4" a fost scanlat de Binktopia ÅŸi poate fi luat de Aici.
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