28-08-2008, 07:31 PM
... and i am very good at it 
I am a cute, fluffy and gentle little phantom that enjoys to consume fresh meat whenever its possible . I have lost my home world during the war of the magi, and i seek a new one within this dimension . My fangs can cut trough flesh and bone, and still can cut a tomato, so we have no worries
( Oops , wrong file of introduction )
Eu sunt Armand, am destui ani , si sunt din Bucuresti < momentan nu locuiesc acolo > . M-am inscris pe acest site din pricina unor threaduri foarte interesante , si la care doresc sa adaug/discut cateva ideei
< ce caut pe un forum de anime ? ^^ >
Candva am vazut Ghost in the Shell ... si mi-a placut foarte mult, motiv pentru care am devenit interesat de acest gen de animatie, si cu timpul am ajuns ... addicted ?
. Am inceput cu Ghost/DBZ/Hellsing/Naruto ... si in ultimul timp am continuat cu Claymore/Death Note/Darker Than Black/Ergo Proxy .. dar si Samurai Champloo/Black Lagoon
Despre manga nu pot spune prea multe, in momentul de fata urmaresc doar Naruto Shippuden/Claymore
( hope this introduction can do the trick and i can haunt a lot )
Have i said that im a homeless , cute and fluffy little phantom ?

I am a cute, fluffy and gentle little phantom that enjoys to consume fresh meat whenever its possible . I have lost my home world during the war of the magi, and i seek a new one within this dimension . My fangs can cut trough flesh and bone, and still can cut a tomato, so we have no worries
( Oops , wrong file of introduction )
Eu sunt Armand, am destui ani , si sunt din Bucuresti < momentan nu locuiesc acolo > . M-am inscris pe acest site din pricina unor threaduri foarte interesante , si la care doresc sa adaug/discut cateva ideei
< ce caut pe un forum de anime ? ^^ >
Candva am vazut Ghost in the Shell ... si mi-a placut foarte mult, motiv pentru care am devenit interesat de acest gen de animatie, si cu timpul am ajuns ... addicted ?

Despre manga nu pot spune prea multe, in momentul de fata urmaresc doar Naruto Shippuden/Claymore
( hope this introduction can do the trick and i can haunt a lot )
Have i said that im a homeless , cute and fluffy little phantom ?