05-05-2009, 11:29 AM
Unul dintre animeurile care m-au dezamagit la final au fost :Claymore care mi se pare neterminat in comparatie cu mangaul care duce poveste mult mai departe si daca stau bine si ma gandesc nici nu prea tine cont de manga =_= ...Altul ar fi Nana la care sincer ,ma asteptam la cu totul alt sfarsit . Mi se pare terminat cam brusc si cam nefericit .The same with V.K dar probabil va aparea un alt sezon ... i hope * my dear zero nu poate ramane cu ochii in soare * xD .Probabil mai sunt dar momentan nu mi le aduc aminte.
[center]I know that i'm not a part of your dreams
But time makes me see that it's easy for me
To pray for the truth and hope to achieve
The love that i hope to find
In you...[/center]
[center]I know that i'm not a part of your dreams
But time makes me see that it's easy for me
To pray for the truth and hope to achieve
The love that i hope to find
In you...[/center]