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Normal ca noi castigam. De ce? Pentru ca vrem si putem ^__^.
Pentru iubire nu se multumeste, in consecinta, n-o sa-ti multumesc nici eu. Doar te iubesc sublim si nebuneste, atat de pur, total, nepamantesc.


OMG o.o Ultima oara cand intrasem eu era 14 o.o
Cat am putut sa lipsesc? XD
[Imagine: SIGN.png]
Thanks ^Ciresica^
SasuSaku fics || Miky`s Smile Zone

47 .

Fără supărare, dar câştigăm prea uşor. o.o


Clorură magică, doar tu ești de părere că câștigă prea repede ._. ?
[Imagine: Jun0xCa.png]

Ce repede se misca lucrurile 21
Girls rocks xD
[Imagine: 2md5fuh.jpg]
Flowers whisper "Beauty!" to the world, even as they fade, wilt, fall.
[Imagine: 8795829.png] [Imagine: 8795849.png]

Pfff, ati inceput prea devreme jocul asta. Vroiam sa facem un fel de pariu. Daca ati fi terminat jocul in 5-6 pagini, as fi facut show la web pt toate fetele. Too late now.
@Ade. Nu a sarit nimeni pe mine. 106
[Imagine: baru.png]
We touch I feel a rush, we clutch it isn't much
But it's enough to make me wonder whats in store for us
It's lust, it's torturous, you must be a sorceress
'Cause you just, did the impossible, gained my trust
Don't play games it'll be dangerous if you fu*k me over
'Cause if I get burnt imma show you what it's like to hurt
'Cause I been treated like dirt before you
And love is "evol", spell it backwards I'll show you

Nobody knows me I'm cold walk down this road all alone
It's no one's fault but my own, it's the path I've chosen to go

Don't click! Dangerous!


Marius - Nu le vezi? VIN CU MILIOANELE!!

@Craci: Ce faci mai cu 15? = )) Imi place cum gandesti : > As pune 14, dar se prind asta o.o
[Imagine: tumblr_lw7j04DPq01r5ikx8o1_400_large.gif]
My mama always says that I'm cute. I don't believe her. I'm more than that !

Shake, shake that booty for Beckha !

Tentant........ sa pun 13, dar totusi sa fim corecti21 So....4321
[Imagine: 2md5fuh.jpg]
Flowers whisper "Beauty!" to the world, even as they fade, wilt, fall.
[Imagine: 8795829.png] [Imagine: 8795849.png]

Ade, ti-am editat postul duduie.
@On: 42, fetele - iar v-ati pus in gand sa-i bateti pe duzi?
[Imagine: p4KKzIN.png]
You could be the best of me when I'm the worst for you.
golden tragedy

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