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Si zbam! 18.
Asa, puisorilor, zburati, zburati. Sa castigam 16
[Imagine: tumblr_lw7j04DPq01r5ikx8o1_400_large.gif]
My mama always says that I'm cute. I don't believe her. I'm more than that !

Shake, shake that booty for Beckha !


Eu vreau bere!
Dar să fie cu aromă de lămâie. ._.
Nu uitaţi, Dumnezeu mă aşteaptă în împărăţia Lui. 21 . . . când mă voi duce. o.o
I always gather everybody's attention.

[Imagine: snsdside2.gif]

(03-08-2011, 11:31 PM)Zuza. A scris: Eu vreau bere!
Hai noroc Zuză, you're awesome.
Visează, fară lămâie, te fac mangă.

Wow! Ce repede se misca lumea avand in vedere ora 15 I'm proud of you girls 19 I numarul 15 Smile
[Imagine: 2md5fuh.jpg]
Flowers whisper "Beauty!" to the world, even as they fade, wilt, fall.
[Imagine: 8795829.png] [Imagine: 8795849.png]

14 !!! Yeaaaa, bitches : >
I will never drink again with old women.
[Imagine: tumblr_lw7j04DPq01r5ikx8o1_400_large.gif]
My mama always says that I'm cute. I don't believe her. I'm more than that !

Shake, shake that booty for Beckha !

Cine vrea bereee? Zuza vrea bereee! Hai Zuza, Zuza.
Btw. Si eu vrea. Reds. 108.
P.S. Zuza, nu ma baga in seama. 24
[Imagine: baru.png]
We touch I feel a rush, we clutch it isn't much
But it's enough to make me wonder whats in store for us
It's lust, it's torturous, you must be a sorceress
'Cause you just, did the impossible, gained my trust
Don't play games it'll be dangerous if you fu*k me over
'Cause if I get burnt imma show you what it's like to hurt
'Cause I been treated like dirt before you
And love is "evol", spell it backwards I'll show you

Nobody knows me I'm cold walk down this road all alone
It's no one's fault but my own, it's the path I've chosen to go

Don't click! Dangerous!

14 5
omg de ce ai baut with old women? 24 mai bine bei cu noi aici ca mai avem putin si castigam <3
Love me or hate me. Either way I'm on your mind.


Mă, nu vreau să îl dezamăgesc pe Dumnezeu. TT.TT
În fond şi la urma urmei mi-a păstrat un loc în Rai . . . TT.TT
*peste 5 minute . . .*

Dar o doză mică nu strică . . . 5
@Space : Încerc să nu te bag în seamă, dar e cam greu. o.o 24
I always gather everybody's attention.

[Imagine: snsdside2.gif]

12 12 12 12 !

Donno o.o De la un timp nu stiu ce-i cu mine O_O

Zuza 15 Eu am niste treburi neterminate cu tine.
[Imagine: tumblr_lw7j04DPq01r5ikx8o1_400_large.gif]
My mama always says that I'm cute. I don't believe her. I'm more than that !

Shake, shake that booty for Beckha !

@Space, si eu vreau bere, imi faci cinste cand ajungem la 0 21
Presimt ca pana la 12 noaptea ajungem la 0 21
Here we go....11 sa fie cu noroc 21
[Imagine: 2md5fuh.jpg]
Flowers whisper "Beauty!" to the world, even as they fade, wilt, fall.
[Imagine: 8795829.png] [Imagine: 8795849.png]

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